
Coach Estelle's coaching is a holistic and personalised approach crafted to empower athletes, whether you're a beginner or an experienced runner. Here's what you can expect from her coaching services

Elevating Your Running Experience

Comprehensive Coaching

With Coach Estelle's coaching, expect a transformative journey where every aspect of your training is thoughtfully considered and personalised. Elevate your running experience, achieve your goals, and become the best version of yourself under the guidance of Coach Estelle.

  1. Tailored Training Program on TrainingPeaks

    Your weekly training program is loaded onto TrainingPeaks, a professional training app compatible with both Android and iPhone.

    Enjoy the convenience of accessing your personalised plan anytime, anywhere, keeping you seamlessly connected to your training journey.

    TrainingPeaks App
  2. Integration with Compatible Watches

    For athletes with compatible watches, Coach Estelle's programs seamlessly integrate with your device.

    Experience the guidance of your watch as it leads you through each workout, ensuring precision and efficiency in your training sessions.

    Best Garmin GPS Watches for Running
  3. Running and Strength Training Integration

    Coach Estelle's programs encompass not only running but also strength training.

    The inclusion of strength training enhances overall athletic performance, promoting endurance, stability, and injury prevention.

    people running a 5k 2023 11 27 05 10 26 utc
  4. Expertly Crafted Strength Training Plans

    Strength training plans are provided by TaniaFIIT, a certified Running Strength Coach.

    Benefit from specialised strength workouts designed to complement your running program, targeting key muscle groups for improved performance and resilience.

    close up shoes female runner tying her shoes jogging exercise
  5. Direct Access to Coach Estelle

    Enjoy open communication channels with Coach Estelle throughout your coaching journey.

    Reach out for any questions, seek guidance, or receive personalised advice tailored to your specific needs and progress.

    coach estelle ith client
  6. Two Weekly Group Sessions for Track and Hill Training

    Connect with the running community and fellow athletes through two weekly group sessions.

    Engage in specialised track and hill training sessions, fostering camaraderie, motivation, and skill improvement in a supportive group setting.

    closeup shoes while running
I started running about 3 years ago and was happy with 5km. 5km became 10km, which was a massive achievement for me, and then 10km became 21km. I could not do the 21km without any coaching. Estelle came to my rescue. She asked me when I wanted to run my first 21km and what my goal was. The date I had chosen was the 13 February and I said I just wanted to finish comfortably. My 12-week journey then started. Estelle sent me weekly training programs and checked up on me regularly. I felt confident on the day of my race but also nervous as 21km lay ahead of me. I finished not quite in the time I wanted, I wanted to finish under 3hrs and finished on 3hrs but I finished. Thanks to Estelle’s training, I had a comfortable run and could still walk the next day. Now to get to that next goal of under 3hrs for next 21km.
Ek het op n laat ouderdom in my lewe besluit om te begin hardloop. Na 5 Two Oceans 21km het ek steeds nie die regte tegniek gehad. Ek het Estelle ontmoet deur my run klub en kan haar met alle vrymoedigheid aanbeveel. Haar kennis en vaardigheid is 'n moet vir enige beginner, dit was altans vir my!

Take that first step towards a stronger, more confident you.

Begin Your Journey Today!

Click the button to contact Coach Estelle, start the conversation, and unlock the potential within you. Your running journey begins with a single message. Let's make it happen together!

Coach Estelle is here to guide, inspire, and empower you every step of the way.

Let's Talk